POZNAN FOUNDATION OF ART based on the movement of “creative energy”, through ideas founded by adult artists carries the forces of inexperienced young adepts of Big arts.
Young artists then inspire rampant recognized artists. The experience of maturity is relieved in unruly youth. Madness of the youngest authors passes into refined art of the oldest concepts. There is a continual turnover of Energy. Art is created in every moment and every age. This intertwining of old and new, mature from immature and spontaneous with a self-serving, with an adult child, here to there, then to now, produces a natural outbreak of art which perpetuates the artistic events, collisions, actions.”
The goals of POZNAN FOUNDATION OF ART are: -creating new conditions for the development of art, both financially and structurally, -providing opportunities for creating valuable works of art, -promoting and shaping art reception and the system of art protection against realistic economic background, -supporting new forms of art education developing the resources of artists, – securing opportunities for the development of valuable works of art, their promotion and development of reception and security system, based on real economic fundamentals.
POZNAN FOUNDATION OF ART pursues its objectives by: -financial security for the implementation and operation of theatrical forms, art, music, ballet, literature, etc., -active corporation and care of the activities in the field of interior space and creative research in the field of architecture and design, -promotion of works of art by means of an exhibition, publishing and editorial and other forms of presentation, -organization of workshops for artists, -education of artists by conducting educational activities in the studio and workshops, – Protection of opportunities to market activities under care of the Foundation; reviews, festivals, art fairs, sessions, foreign exchange, agent and conduct, promotion of the arts through:
- Publishing and editorial activities,
- Running the gallery,
- Advertising,
- Competitions,
- Various forms of artistic education. -protection of works of art by:
- Collection, preservation and safeguarding,
- Inventory and studies.
The Foundation provides the possibility to cooperate with other foundations, organizations and institutions active in culture and art, both in the country and abroad.