our values

Poznan Foundation of Art in accordance with its program of activities based on the current status has a number of actions which is an independent originator and executor. It implements projects in the field of art in collaboration with institutions of state and local authorities, like the City of Poznan, Poznan District, Marshal, Ministry of Culture ,National Heritage and Sport, the Frederic Chopin Institute in Warsaw. the Zbigniew Raszewski Institute of Theatre in Warsaw
This cooperation is to co-organize a series of artistic projects financed from public funds and grants. PFA supports artistic education and workshops on national and international scope of activities. Poznan Foundation of Art – prevents the possibility of the formation under the control of the creators of valuable works of art that supports the modern forms of education and the development of creative workshop of artists and recipients of their art, children, adolescents and adults, promotes and shapes the reception of art and its protection system.

We work on many levels – we want to contribute the development of Polish art and influence its social utility. Associated with the Foundation for community groups seeking unconventional means of creative expression, promotes non-profit art and artistic expression of their products is addressed to adults, adolescents and children.

Poznań Foundation of Art in accordance with its program of activities based on the current statute has a number of actions which is an independent originator and executor. It implements projects in the field of art in collaboration with institutions of state and local authorities – the City of Poznań, Poznań District, Marshal, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Fryderyk Chopin Institute in Warsaw. This cooperation is to co-organize a series of artistic projects financed from public funds and grants:
– Provide mentoring and technical assistance in obtaining funds for projects submitted for competitions in music, photography, art and theater / applications for grants for the realization of public tasks /.

The Foundation is in need of modernization, re-structuralization and new international corporate business identity which will help to introduce it to a new international market and hopefully, by entering and becoming more international, will create needed awareness to gather new resources for successful cooperation with different artistic groups and corporations.

The Poznan Foundation of Art can seek its competitive advantage among otherorganizations by improving service and product differentiation or, and creatively using channels of distribution, or and exploring relationship with suppliers.

Since Poznan Foundation of Art has already established international cooperation with Germany, France and Italy they poses resources and knowledge in organizing international collaborations, which means that PFA creatively uses channels of distribution as it creates its reputation internationally as well as nationally and does not limit itself within a boarders.

As an art organization, Poznan Foundation of Art improves their services after collaborations on the projects that they worked with which also, by gained experience, has a big influences on their product differentiation. As an open-minded art organization every project results in different product with different results, every product is unique.

The relationship with potential international suppliers is a big advantage but would not bemeaningful if a good relationship with already existing suppliers would not be established. Poznan Foundation of Art has a long term collaboration with its suppliers that among whichis CK Zamek which allows organization to use its resources for realizing projects.

As a service provider Poznan Foundation of Art is very focused on their ability to beable to satisfy needs of their consumers’ and constituencies. As service and product PFA delivers a unique experience for they end consumers who have a need to satisfy their hunger for art. The Poznan Foundation of Art provides mentoring, realization and technical assistance in obtaining funds for projects submitted in music, photography, art and theater categories and applications for grants for the realization of public tasks. Poznan Foundation of Art surrounds the artists and other organizations that cooperates with their support and care for their development and promotion of their work to include joint andinterdisciplinary activities. Projects symbols of Poznan Foundation of Art met with great interest the spectators, media and critics. Took part in them dozens of artists: actors, musicians, dancers, artists, students, high school, high school students and children, etc.


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